We are excited to share a brief preview of our new website that we have been developing over the past few months. The ACIGS Committee recognised the need for an upgraded site to better serve our members, leading us to engage with a professional website design company to assist us in achieving this goal.
The main objective of the upgraded website is to enhance the user experience, specifically by improved access, navigation, and modernisation. This includes a scrolling up to date news feed at the forefront of the homepage, easy access to a dedicated membership area, a simplified instant payment process for membership and events, and a well organised resource section for our library of geosynthetic content. There will be quick links to useful external resources from national and international industry bodies, specifications and guides, and technical content from the journals ‘Geosynthetics International’ and ‘Geotextiles and Geomembranes’.
We look forward to announcing when our upgrade is live in the near future, and are proud to share our finalised design with you.