International Geosynthetic Society (IGS)
The International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) currently has four Technical Committees (TCs) namely: Barriers, Hydraulics, Reinforcement and Stabilization. Participation in the TCs is open to the IGS membership and non IGS members who are involved in disciplines that overlap with the geosynthetics field. The committees are responsible for documenting standards around the world and organizing technical content, such as grouped papers in special sessions, workshops at conferences or workshops as stand-alone events. The workshops are typically arranged as four sessions over two days, each session initiated with 4 to 5 presentations from world experts followed by a significant time for questions, discussions, and robust debate, enabling participants to share project experience, exchange technical concerns and solutions, and network with colleagues.
To see more information on the IGS TC’s click here –
Technical Committee on Barrier System (TC-B)
The Technical Committee on Barrier Systems (TC-B) is dedicated to the scientific and engineering development of geosynthetic barrier systems and associated technologies. This committee promotes the knowledge, technology, research findings, design, and construction methodologies related to geosynthetic barrier applications, such as guarding against seepage loss, preventing infiltration, improving the flow of fluids, protecting groundwater, and isolating contaminated soils in geotechnical and geo-environmental engineering.
The current TC-B committee is: Chair: Jonathan Shamrock (New Zealand), Co-Chair: Jabulile Msiza (South Africa), Secretary: Amir Shahkolahi (Australia), Immediate past Chair: Kent P. von Maubeuge (Germany), Immediate past Co-Chair: Boyd J. Ramsey (USA).
Current and future activities of the TC-B include:
- Arranging and running technical sessions focussed on barrier issues at international conferences
- Arranging workshops on topical barrier issues, recent events were held in Munich in June 2018 and Barcelona in January 2020
- Compiling educational information/leaflets/presentations/videos on barriers and barrier applications
- Upcoming virtual forum with the ACIGS in March 2021
See more information on the TC-B by clicking here –